An interesting future Al Gore wants to force upon the world. He has championed the effort to educate the masses of dire peril seeking them to make sacrifices in their lives to save the planet yet he puts himself above those same sacrifices. He prefers to purchase carbon credits so he can have the right to pollute. Is this going to save the planet Al? Why not just 'pay off' global warming and maybe it'll go away and leave us alone. I say that tongue in cheek of course.
My views on the issue are much more realistic. I do see signs of periods of global warming that do appear to be tied to stellar events but I see no evidence that man is the cause of it. However I do see pollution to be a significant issue.
Here is how it gets sticky. Al's solution is to cut back on energy usage. I assume he means the kind that pollutes. To keep a long story short the solutions the global warming crowd proposes could result in a very hungry world. They are clearly trying to cut off the sources of energy that feed the world before their is a suitable replacement for it.
Rather than proposing some solutions for a world that has a destiny not to hear, I think it best to put forth a question. How long will it be after Al's crowd get their solution before the human pain becomes clear and they begin blaming it all on excessive population? Life becomes very cheap in places were excessive population is a problem. Population control is a destiny the world will have to face. Many human tragedies can be traced to societal beliefs that sex and babies is a right and not a privilege. This is a societal belief that the world cannot endure much longer.