Now I'm hearing in the news about the new hysteria over listeria in cantaloupes. I've heard of one boy who became ill but it isn't known if they made any attempt to cook it.
In case you city folks don't know vegetables and other foods are grown in fields out in the open. Flies and other bugs crawl all over it. Birds come to get the bugs and they relieve themselves all over it. And varmits and other critters root around all in it. If you eat it raw you take the risk. If you don't want the risk then cook it.
If you don't cook it then any lawsuit has no merit.
Here is the pasteurization method I use on raw veggies and I even do this with lettuce before I eat it. First get a large enough container to hold the produce then fill with water and bring to a boil. Then remove heat and immerse produce. The object is to get it hot enough long enough to kill the germs.
The worst food story I ever heard. This is from back in the 1970's when I was a young escapist who wanted to sail a yacht around the world. I read a book about a couple doing just that and they told of going into a market in Mexico. This is where they saw people there spraying RAID on the meat to keep the flies away. This is when they decided to eat only what the caught themselves from then on.