Friday, June 28, 2013

Air Force Gunship Flyover 2.

To my knowledge this is the 4th such incident to occur at this location and to my recollection this occurred last April in 2013. This is the typical attack flight pattern. It did this for about 20 minutes. By the way their is an elementary and middle school about 3, 4 and 5 blocks from this location which I believe was in session. A hospital is also within this distance. I am an American citizen and I state this as only a matter of record. Think and do with it what ever you will.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Air Force Gunship Flyover 1.

To my knowledge this is the 3rd such incident at this location. The Air Force gunship circled in this pattern for about 20 minutes.

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Thought About Global Warming

An interesting future Al Gore wants to force upon the world. He has championed the effort to educate the masses of dire peril seeking them to make sacrifices in their lives to save the planet yet he puts himself above those same sacrifices. He prefers to purchase carbon credits so he can have the right to pollute. Is this going to save the planet Al? Why not just 'pay off' global warming and maybe it'll go away and leave us alone. I say that tongue in cheek of course.

My views on the issue are much more realistic. I do see signs of periods of global warming that do appear to be tied to stellar events but I see no evidence that man is the cause of it. However I do see pollution to be a significant issue.

Here is how it gets sticky. Al's solution is to cut back on energy usage. I assume he means the kind that pollutes. To keep a long story short the solutions the global warming crowd proposes could result in a very hungry world. They are clearly trying to cut off the sources of energy that feed the world before their is a suitable replacement for it.

Rather than proposing some solutions for a world that has a destiny not to hear, I think it best to put forth a question. How long will it be after Al's crowd get their solution before the human pain becomes clear and they begin blaming it all on excessive population? Life becomes very cheap in places were excessive population is a problem. Population control is a destiny the world will have to face. Many human tragedies can be traced to societal beliefs that sex and babies is a right and not a privilege. This is a societal belief that the world cannot endure much longer.

Child Rape And The Death Penalty

This issue of child rape is indeed serious but America continues to turn it into a joke. American cities and towns are saturated with child molesters. So much so that about every 4th block of any town has a registered sex offender living there statistically. A sex offender must be registered or face jail time. The thing is most of these criminal types look at this and jail time as a badge of honor and manhood. They do not fear it. It is a joke.

So should their be a death penalty for child rape? Well yes but not any more. God indeed has ordered the death penalty stopped but a suitable punishment has been ordained instead. God indeed has ordered that only male virgin can have female virgin and any males that break this law are to have their dongs (penis) cut off entirely. Child molesters and other violators of this law need to learn that their sex life is over.

Will this kind of law come to pass in America? Not likely. For one reason the US Constitution has a clause forbidding cruel and unusual punishments. Cruel and unusual. Think about it. This is entirely and totally a matter of someone's opinion. Their is no way to logically quantify cruel or unusual. The fact that such an ambiguous statement was put into a body of law is, well a, it is a joke.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bugs In The Food

Have you ever thought much about it? How many bugs you eat in a given week. I know. I know. You don't like to think about it. How many bugs are in that bag of corn chips you like so much. But the fact is, you eat 'em. I live in an agricultural area. This knowledge is a fact of life around here.

This points out a problem with food labels. They never tell what the grasshopper content of your chips are and even more importantly how fattening they are. The last time I found an opportunity to tell a guy that he stopped chewin' and dazed off. It was fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Now It's Cantaloupes

Now I'm hearing in the news about the new hysteria over listeria in cantaloupes. I've heard of one boy who became ill but it isn't known if they made any attempt to cook it.

In case you city folks don't know vegetables and other foods are grown in fields out in the open. Flies and other bugs crawl all over it. Birds come to get the bugs and they relieve themselves all over it. And varmits and other critters root around all in it. If you eat it raw you take the risk. If you don't want the risk then cook it.

If you don't cook it then any lawsuit has no merit.

 Here is the pasteurization method I use on raw veggies and I even do this with lettuce before I eat it. First get a large enough container to hold the produce then fill with water and bring to a boil. Then remove heat and immerse produce. The object is to get it hot enough long enough to kill the germs.

The worst food story I ever heard. This is from back in the 1970's when I was a young escapist who wanted to sail a yacht around the world. I read a book about a couple doing just that and they told of going into a market in Mexico. This is where they saw people there spraying RAID on the meat to keep the flies away. This is when they decided to eat only what the caught themselves from then on.