Monday, November 9, 2009

Health Care Bill Alert!

Hey people! Paying attention? The Health care bill passed congress! Are you ready for the day when you need a doctor and your left to die in the streets?

Here's something I noticed about the timeline from last wednesday. First they say the vote will be on saturday with unwavering confidence. Then thursday the call to arms against this assault on freedom goes forth. Then on friday Pelosi and henchmen waiver, or I should say they put on the act of waivering then have the vote on sunday.

Why do they put on the act of waivering? Because it gives you false confidence of victory and the protests subside and the congressmen get their backbone back.

If you want to preserve freedom from this health care bill disaster then you must launch into a unrelenting daily tirade against these traitors to freedom in Washington and don't let up a minute until they throw in the towel.

Remember. Your life is going on the line with this health care bill.