Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Clinton Presidency

Contains excerpts from a document circulated by the press in 1998.

Rush! Rush! Who is mighty in words at the EIB! Do you think that you can save us from the curse of the liberal? But if only you could! But you are lukewarm so you shall surely fail. Now do you have the courage to face the truth? Never the less the Almighty has a requirement of you. You seem to think it's OK to say "talent on loan from God" so let's see if you can prove your boast. This is the day you find out the single reason God has made you great so now is the time to pay him back. What we are going to do is bring Clinton down. No he is not going to slither out of it this time. God knows how to play cat and mouse with one who thinks he can be God. He's a vain, arrogant, perverted, bully and the life he has constructed around himself will do him in. The only reason God has let him be until now is so that he might make a spectacle out of him and for a sign that the words I relay here be of a truth.

Furthermore you may want to know that I was a personal friend of Bill Clinton in days gone by and I can assure you that you are greatly underestimating the extent of his diabolical ambitions! I noticed that you and everybody else has been saying that Clinton was admitting to adultery on his speech on aug. 17, 1998. You know better than that! Let's just see you and everybody else prove it! Bill Clinton never admits to anything! Their are sinister things about the Lewinsky matter that you don't know Rush and if you don't act fast Clinton will surely take YOU down along with every other news organization in the country!! You know about his education history. He vowed to make America into his utopia!

What you are about to see is the documentation of a series of actual high crimes. The names have not been changed because none are innocent.

Before I get started with this revelation of the affairs of Bill Clinton whilst he is president of the United States, I will discuss his improprieties while governor of the state of Arkansas. First and foremost Bill Clinton has never sought public office with the intention of being a servant of the people. His desires of the governorship and presidency has been to obtain immunity from the law while he pursues his choice professions. Many of you are already familiar with the Whitewater and other financial scandals.

But it is little known that governor Clinton also extorted protection money from local drug syndicates. Furthermore he continued to apply the power of his office to the point where he was a ringleader in one of the biggest drug syndicates in the south! And drug syndicates being what they are, can play rough and Clinton was no Polly Anna. He personally ordered the deaths of xy people while he was governor! Most were for non payment of dope debt, but when that time came that the Feds were getting a little to close to him, then he ordered the hits of x people to silence witnesses and to cover up the trail leading up to him! And what is more many of his Arkansas body guard were also involved! Moreover in order to maintain this power structure he rigged the electoral system in Arkansas and this is how he obtained his final term as governor. The election was fixed!

Those of you who listen to Rush know how he likes to chide the Clintons for sponging money off of everyone they can because he thinks they are poor. But the fact is that the Clintons are filthy rich! And when I say filthy I mean filthy. The Clintons make every effort to hide their wealth because their loot is so hot and what is more they have never paid taxes on it! Besides if knowledge of their wealth got out it would hinder their favorite pastime. That being putting the pinch on every sucker they can find for more money! Hey all you Clinton donors! Has he tried to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge yet?

But Bill Clinton wasn't always rich. Those of you who care to know are familiar with Bill Clinton's disadvantaged childhood yet somehow, mysteriously he manages to go to and attend a very prestigious college in Great Britain, which by the way was a great place to hang out while some statutes of limitations on some misdemeanors ran out back home. I wonder if it were ever asked why he had no visible means of support? But I know. The very first occupation that Bill Clinton ever had was that of a pimp! However, despite his thriving business he decided he wanted bigger things in life.

Satan"My fellow Americans. I come to you today as your president to talk facts and not hearsay. Furthermore I want to reiterate that I regret that I have had an improper relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. I know that it is improper for a superior, especially the president of this great country, to form a close, un-business like friendship with a young subordinate. But never the less I assure you that our relationship has always been absolutely and totally platonic and was never, no not ever improper in a sexual or adulterous way. I know that my silence on this matter has caused turmoil in my country but I assure you that pressing affairs of state required that I take this road. Me and my family have had to endure a most mean spirited and partisan attack on my integrity over the years but I assure you that I have never, not even once broke the vows to my wife...." You heard right! He intends to deny every affair he's had! This whole business is spin and a plot to make him a "saint" in the eyes of the world!

(This document appeared on the scene in the thick of it all and caused many changes in plans.)

2CO 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Now Rush, I want you to consider what I tell you because you are in serious trouble! To illustrate to you how much I want to recall to your remembrance about something you talked about a few years ago. Do you remember talking about the staged town meeting with Clinton in which a teenage boy asked a tough question. I can't recall the question but I remember it was legitimate but because it wasn't in the script Clinton blew up then had the kid thrown out. Then that evening police showed up at the boy's home and arrested him saying "we're sorry but we have orders from the top." The boy's father panicked not knowing what to do so they asked their governor I believe and he said to try announcing you were running for congress which finally got him freed. This is what Clinton intends for you Rush and I assure you that if all of his ambitions succeed it will be DEATH ROW!!!!!!

To fantastic for you to believe? After the shootings at the Washington D.C. capital a woman said with tears "This is America! Things like this aren't supposed to happen here!" You know their was slavery. You also know that Americans made peace treaties with the Indians then killed them for their land. America is a country formed from conquest and blood. Admittedly the Indians were heathen and God nearly always punishes nations like this with a conqueror. The greatest tragedies tend to befall nations when they don't believe it can happen to them and thus are not prepared. Remember Pearl Harbor. The point I'm trying to make is that men are men no matter what country they are in. Americans are not so pure and holy and superior as to be above the problems other countries have.

Do you remember how Starr started to resign from the investigation and go teach but abruptly changed his mind saying he'll stay with the investigation on Clinton until the finish? What actually happened is that Clinton bought him off and every since then they have been working in close coordination to sabotage the investigation so Clinton will never have to face charges for the crimes he has committed! Naturally Clinton knows everything that was said before the grand jury and on the Lewinsky tapes. Remember Clinton could dismiss him at any time but doesn't and also the republicans had nothing to do with Starr getting his post. All of the attacks on Starr and his doings by the Clinton people on the media is just an act so that none of Clinton's opposition will have any reason to suspect Starr's credibility! Clinton isn't going to hire anybody that would destroy him! Would you hire your own destructor? Be real! At the time I'm writing this Starr has given Lewinsky full transactional immunity along with her parents while Janet Reno continues to block any investigations into Clinton's campaign finance abuses. The reason Reno is doing this is so when Starr is finished with the Lewinsky matter they intend to use him to get Clinton out of that mess also.

But I thought Peter the lawyer said Starr had Monica nailed? I mean like the best she could possibly do was negotiate a lighter sentence? What full transactional immunity ultimately means is that she has a licence to lie with impunity and she is all but set free in any crimes she has committed and some key White Water figures have also been set free.

Now are you ready for the answer to a great mystery? It was Hillary Clinton who hired Craig Livingstone for the sole purpose of smuggling in prostitute spies into the capital thus turning it into a bordello so that they could create some new dirt! He's a pimp! What better way for Clinton to insure against his faults than to snare everybody else into the same faults!

I suppose you all recall that an outfit called Judicial Watch is suing over all of the FBI files Clinton got. They wanted some testimony from Linda Tripp but Starr filed a paper with the court close to the start of September asking that her testimony be delayed because he felt it would interfere with his investigation in Travel Gate and File Gate which is entering a critical phase. They are truly worried about the FBI files and Starr has successfully thwarted their opponents until they can "fix" the problem. This same type of thing is also what happened in the Paula Jones case.

"The policy of this administration is to deny the allegations repeatedly until the facts become overwhelming and then and only then acknowledge them in ambiguous language."

Lewinsky went before the grand jury and their was talk on the news that Starr subpoenaed Clinton but then Clinton said no he wasn't but was volunteering to video tape his story for the grand jury on august 17 in the map room of the White House. Clinton volunteer to talk and not only that he was jubilant and anxious to do it! Are antennae shooting up and waving red flags yet out their? Well that's not all! He spent several days before hand rehearsing for his "performance". They sent out teams of pollsters to find out what America wanted to see and teams of advisors worked with him to make sure he had the right "body language". They made sure any picture behind him was proper and he made an extensive study of all of the past presidents and what made them popular and not. Now this tape is supposedly just meant for the grand jury but he intends to show it to the people. This step in their final plan is meant to trick the American people by spinning the Lewinsky matter, with great fanfare, just in time for the 1998 elections so they can use this situation as a psychological trick on Americans so the democrats can regain control of congress! He hopes.

Here is something else you may want the answer to. I suppose you remember recently telling of a joke a democrat told at a dinner. You described the situation saying some democrats had a dinner engagement but were called to a meeting with Clinton but when they got there none could figure out what in the world they were called for because they just goofed off. Finally they left for their dinner and one of them joked "He must have just wanted to see who would come and see him in jail." Their was laughter. Actually the situation is gravely serious! Clinton did this because he wants to lie saying it was a showdown in which the democrats were trying to force him to resign! He's trying to create the image that he is powerless and the underdog and the victim of every pundit and peer in the eye's of the people so as to gain their sympathy and arouse militant support! He initially intends to use this situation to extort a tighter grip of control on the democratic party because none will want the stigma of having attacked the "saint" then later he'll use it to enhance his popularity at the expense of his party!

Then later on their was another democratic meeting and when it was over a woman found a crumpled note and all it said was "We are doomed." Clinton's shakedown of the democrats has begun! He has absolutely no loyalty or honor or integrity whatsoever! This is all ultimately intended to instill an aura of invincibility and fear into his peers so that he'll have no opposition to his devious plans!

Do you doubt me? Then watch some videos that were made right after Clinton's testimony on aug. 17 which would be the 18th I believe of the 3 Clintons coming out of the White House on their way to vacation at Martha's Vineyard. They were holding hands and if you look it's easy to see they are trying to create the image that they are hanging tough through a great oppression! It's all propaganda! He intends to play these over and over to the people when he establishes his plot!

"What are they hiding? Why do they go to such lengths to keep everything covered up? It must be worse than we even know."Rushquote

Clinton and Starr are also using the hearings for a sinister purpose that many in his administration are not aware of that being a "purge". Who will talk and who won't. Clinton wants to find out who his true loyalists are, especially in the White House police and secret service, so that he can surround himself with hand picked individuals in the coup d'‚tat he is planning!

Now are all of you ready for this?! The fact of the matter is that the whole Lewinsky sex scandal (Tailgate) is a hoax to start with!!!! Oh sure hanky panky went on but the only reason it survives and is in the news is because Clinton wants it that way! Because, you see, Clinton all but single handedly destroyed the democratic party so to save himself, his face and his legacy the "comeback kid" desperately needed a comeback. Now he knows the majority of Americans, especially his constituents, despise anyone who might be judgmental when it comes to sexual peccadilloes. So what better plan to elevate his popularity than to become a "sexual martyr" and then convince everyone that it was all false accusations to begin with!! This is a cinch since how he has Starr aced he will ultimately be "cleared" of all wrong doing then he'll be poised for the kill!!

Freedom of speech! Hah! You journalists are going to have easy work soon! All you will have to do is relay the official party spin to the people, which of course is what many of you are already doing, and if you don't it means a trip to the alter and I'm not talking about weddings either! So you should know all of the leaks and speeches on this matter were especially crafted so that he can trick all of his critics, and whoever else he can get, into committing defamatory libel! That means slander! More over this also happens to be where all of the talk about Hillary being a lesbian has come from! You all remember the false story on General Motors and the exploding gas tanks and how GM won in the courts don't you? So not only can he discredit his critics, including comedians and oh yes the press, but can totally silence them with libel lawsuits thus enabling him to establish his insidious plot to seize an imperial presidency without opposition!!!

The Ken Starr report everybody is talking about now is a fake and the White House will say so when it suits their purpose. The cigar story and oral anal sex. Be real! These guys are like school boys in a dorm thinking this stuff up! Did any of you notice Clinton's speech to the press on either September 23 or 24, I can't remember which? Clinton said out of the blue "It can't be an accident anymore." To Clinton being elected by the vote is an accident!!!!! If you watch him he lets these things slip sometimes!

He intends to use his new found popularity and control over congress to ironclad his immunity then use the power of the federal government to CRUSH his adversaries no matter who they are!!! Certainly you remember all of the arguments as to whether Clinton has a right to private counsel with federal lawyers! If any of you has faced the environmental protection agency then you'll know what kind of oppression is in store for you! One by one, anybody who is anything in America if falling into his clutches one way or another! Your only chance is to unite and take him down and soon because its to the point its a race against time because he'll soon have his power consolidated! This must be done with the people because many judges and other officials have already fallen into his grasp!!! This is how coups perpetuate themselves! Once one is corrupted he can't go back and face the consequences so they fight to save their rear ends! This situation is approaching critical mass and something must be done now!

Well anyway Clinton's power is not cemented yet and he still needs the votes from congress to accomplish his goal that being to get a constitutional amendment overturning the amendment limiting a president to 2 terms! He wants to make it certain with democratic votes because the republicans are a wild card in this. Now we come to the reason for all of those FBI files that are so he could dig up dirt on his enemies! This is the reason the republicans have been neutered in their leadership but he's not certain how many of them he has in his hands! But between the two he has the votes to realize his plans!!!!! "If I'm going down, I'll take everyone else with me." Wake up America!!! You are in the midst of your first coup attempt and the junta is in the White House even now!!! If their ever was an illustration as to why character counts, this is it! God's eyes are everywhere and they see everything.

So Rush what's it going to be? You know if it hadn't been for God, Clinton would have surely destroyed you in this matter. You probably don't want to know this but you should know that the FBI file problem is so serious a blackmail threat that Mr. Newt and some other republicans intend to "confess" to trying to destroy Clinton in a underhanded manner just to save their rear ends! What I mean by this is because Clinton wants a token republican party so as to keep up appearances with the people! Clinton intends for this to be a silent coup! The people will see the unlimited terms for presidents amendment and other things and will grumble about it being the same old congress and after seeing the "doctored" government polls will do nothing about it! The fact of the matter is he'll have an iron grip on congress and they'll do like they're told!

Oh and let's not forget the bribery that's going on! Have many of you noticed how many in congress and Washington aren't paying their taxes these days! What a novel payoff scheme! Just forget their tax liabilities! And if any should forget what it's all for then just threaten to prosecute them! That keeps in line! That's the same method used by animal trainers!

What is more, this situation is still even more apocalyptic! Some of those FBI files are on the military's top brass! This is how he's gaining control of them! This is the real truth behind Admiral Bourdha's suicide!!!! Now Rush, many junior officers take their oath of loyalty to uphold and defend the constitution very seriously! You know what this could mean!!!! This situation could quickly become deadly serious once the military becomes fully aware of what is happening!!!! If you think Russia is in bad shape now you just wait! The third world is going to get another superpower thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton!

(Their was panic within the Clinton administration and fearing a military coup he destroyed America's bomb arsenal in the Balkins campaign excuse and any other way he could and refused to acquire more. Many who pay attention will recall America's critical military situation at the time and how President Bush had to rebuild it. Their was also panic because Clinton was losing control of the impeachment process so he tried everything to distract it. Include bombings in the Middle East that created enough anger to eventually lead to 9-11.)

You tell me! Just how many careers has Clinton ruthlessly destroyed in his pursuit of power?! Do you remember the reporter that asked Clinton about some kind of race relations thing Clinton has going if to whether it was legitimate or something and Clinton attacked the reporter demanding to know who his source was and a few days later he was fired? Just look at the ferocity in which Clinton attacks anyone with when he's crossed! He's so totally obsessed with power to the point he's drunk with it! Has any previous president jet setted around the world in air force 1 the way he does? America will be HIS utopia! What about all of the times all of the democrats were giving the same "canned" response to the media over a controversy! He'll even go so far as to "fix" elections to keep congress like he wants it! I suppose you do remember the talk about just guessing on the census and how you thought it was a crooked way to get more democrats in congress! Open your eyes Rush! Can't you see the signs!!!

All of the trial balloons you've been hearing are meant to "prepare" the people for what is going to happen! Clinton is a cunning master psychologist which is what makes him such a good politician! Have you noticed how scandal after scandal comes out about the administration with calls for independent councils but then nothing ever happens? Clinton himself is orchestrating all of this diabolical activity as part of the psychology of his master plot! The purpose of it all is to create a feeling of helplessness in any that would oppose him so as to have a minimum of backlash when he consummates his scheme!

Now are you people ready to learn the more insidious nature of Craig Livingstone's and his whores' purpose? Livingstone was under direct orders from Clinton, to be sure that he obtained whores who had AIDS, so that he might infect as many senators and congressmen as possible with HIV, so that it would create a national emergency to facilitate his rise to permanent power!! Furthermore in order to assure this doesn't come back on him, he's been working behind the scenes to legalize prostitution!

Rush. You're going to get Clinton style government mandated health care now!!! Are you ready for Gore's SUV police?! America is on the brink of becoming an Al Gore "paradise" and its up to you to stop it!!!!! You have documented some attempts to get you that Clinton has made in the past so it should be quite clear to you that it would be in your best interest to see to it that this document becomes widely known. Just ask yourself, what is Clinton not capable of doing? You always say that anybody can say anything on the phone and the internet but yet you take anonymous, from the White House no doubt, leaks as gospel. They know that you and the rest of their adversaries have been salivating for a scandal like tailgate to bring Clinton down and they have been feeding the fire and laughing and if you don't act quickly they will outflank you and the whiplash will be bad!

What you need to do is at least read the things I specify here on your radio program and then what ever else you may choose. You know the White House listens. You also may want to know that when he hears all this he will go insane! That right! He will become the American Caligula which was the mad Roman emperor! PLAY TAXULA STUFF IN BACKGROUND Then to finish it off with a touch of finesse play some of those count taxula skits you have and don't forget that beetle song by that Clinton imitator. You know the one you always say was found hid away in a vault on Abbey Road. The words start out like "You closed your eyes, I was elected. Guess what. Your not protected. Now all my schemes will come true". Ditto. Then you will have a new president.

When this happens I expect their to be quite a public demand for this document so keep it. I'm putting it into the public domain so if you want to put it in your newsletter you may do so. But anyone who alters the message in this will have a great curse befall them and will not escape. This all reminds me about how the American liberals always raised such a snit over the possibility of a conservative Christian controlling the nuclear button. So look what they chose instead. If you want to hear somebody else sum the situation up for you then go to your archives on august 24, 1998 and listen to the last 15 minutes or so of your program to the golf caller and then listen to the bump you played on the very last segment that day.


My thanks to Rush Limbaugh whose invaluable service, cooperation and support made this all possible. I would not have been able to gather all of this information without you man.

A final note of warning. This post contains information concerning an actual criminal event. If you block, restrict, impede and/or otherwise interfere with the flow of this information in any way then you are breaking the law. This is even more true if you are a government official using the power of your office in a partisan way

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rush. Something You Should Know.

I heard Rush state today on his program that Hillary was looking to beat Obama out at the democratic convention. In an under handed and diabolical way no doubt. Rush aught to know this. I have every reason to believe he was in league with the Clintons on operation chaos. His listeners will be surprised when they finally realize that he is a traitor to his stated beliefs. But he's an entertainer so what do you expect. Integrity.

So let's have a revelation concerning some public curiosities shall we. So here is an exchange that occurred on the Rush radio program in about March of 2006. Paraphrased.

Caller "Say Rush. What can you tell me about this domestic wire tapping scandal?"

Rush "For legal reasons I can only tell you that it is a violation of Federal law to inform someone that they are under a wire tap."

Caller "All I can find out is that it is about phone calls between west Texas and central Texas."

Rush "Again for legal reasons I can only tell you that it is a violation of Federal law to inform someone that they are under a wire tap."

Here is another caller concerning the same issue.

Caller "What can you tell about this guy? Who is he? Is he some kind of New York reporter? Why don't they just go and GET HIM!?"

Rush disagreed in his response.

Well mister caller perhaps this will give you the answer you seek. When Bill Clinton was president and during the impeachment he made the blackmail threat "If I go down, everybody else goes down with me" He meant it and he'll do it. Washington is filled with corruption far more than the public knows. If any kind of warrants are issued then legal protocols and jurisprudence would require the consideration of all evidence. This would result in Washington entering a state of legal collapse and unbelievable legal chaos. This is not a good option if "him" is only guilty of offending the public. Some things are best left alone.

This is why I know that the City project will have complete and unrestricted and uncensored access to the internet. This will include emails also. And why monetary donations will not be hindered.

The Masked Avenger! Working to remove corruption from government! I am the good guy!

Just the same thanks for your invaluable help during the old fax days Rush.

A final note of warning. This post contains information concerning an actual criminal event. If you block, restrict, impede and/or otherwise interfere with the flow of this information in any way then you are breaking the law. This is even more true if you are a government official using the power of your office in a partisan way. And what is making it all even more interesting is that Obama is resetting and renewing everything! No statute of limitations here!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Governor Clinton

I feel that the time has come to make some allegations concerning some criminal activities of Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas. Corruption is no stranger to man made governments and America is no exception. But nothing in America's history can compare to the nefarious activities of Bill Clinton. When he was governor of Arkansas he was head of one of the largest drug cartels in the south. Besides being responsible for some murders concerning these activities he was also using his power and position as governor to block any investigations into said activities

How do I know this. Well I'm a seer among other things. I have also taken other prophecies into account and I have also taken into account the reporting of the news. The Wall Street Journal did a story during the Clinton presidency about some bodies found in a trunk that had connections to the Clintons but nobody could legally prove it.

I also perceive this has connections to Vince Foster. This is why the Clintons cleaned out his office so quickly upon hearing of his demise. I have told all that I know about this particular incident at this time.

My thanks to Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal whose invaluable assistance made this all possible.

A final note of warning. This post contains information concerning an actual criminal event. If you block, restrict, impede and/or otherwise interfere with the flow of this information in any way then you are breaking the law. This is even more true if you are a government official using the power of your office in a partisan way.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Windshield Wiper Blades are the Latest Consumer Ripoff

Windshield wiper blades. I needed some more for my truck and I went to Walmart and was confronted with an angering shock. It seems this shock is taking hold in the windshield wiper blade replacement market.

You see back some time ago when you wanted replacement blades you could buy a pair of rubber replacements in a box for about $4 to $6. Now they insist you buy the whole supporting mechanism with rubber blade installed for about $13 apiece for about $30 total for a pair. This is an outrageous consumer ripoff! The rubber part is all that usually needs replacing and it is easy to do so.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sudan and Darfur

Today it is being reported that the Muslim Sudanese government has executed some Darfur rebels for what the government claims as an act against the state etc. For a long time now the Muslim government of Sudan has been waging a war of extermination against the black Christian element of their society. The report clearly didn't tell the whole story.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Disabled Vets

An observation. Their are many disabled vets in America these days. I notice that stories pop up in the news from time to time about how they have so much trouble getting some kind of financial help. The noticeable fact is they have to try so hard and sometimes it doesn't seem to be working.

Rush Limbaugh. A staunch and vocal proponent of the war. He just got a new $400,000,000.00 contract. Enough to support every disabled vet in America, to a point. Plasma TV's in every room at Rush Plantation. A 12 cylinder turbo car. All that money gets Rush a lot of bragging rights but it doesn't do much else does it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Congress Shoves Our Faces Into Pile Of Gas Tax

America showed their desire for relief of high fuel prices by showing their desire for removal of the fuel taxes. Congress responded in typical tyrannical fashion by burning the polls and shoving the tax in our faces. They're planing to raise the tax. They think their may be a loss in construction jobs. So I ask this. Since when does taxing the poor into bankruptcy help the poor?

It has always been the policy of this rag to base taxation on peoples ability to pay it. If they think they need more money for highway construction then I say get it from somebody who can pay it. How about from Rush Limbaugh. He just got a new $400,000,000.00 contract. Let's see if he's willing to make a little sacrifice for his o' so beloved freedom to drive!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

McCain and Adoption

Their is a serious problem in the world today. That is the moral breakdown that creates the situation of lots of children being available for adoption. This is something that in itself is actually emotionally abusive to children. This problem is only compounded when allowing homosexuals to get possession of these children. This type of environment is child abuse.

McCain said the right thing in that he doesn't support adoption by homosexuals however he fumbled the ball when he said he wouldn't support federal legislation banning the practice. Obama on the other hand is abominable for supporting adoption rights for homosexuals. Few politicians have had such a great start and blown it so quickly.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Car Tip. What If It Dies?

You've all seen it. The car that dies on the highway, in the parking lot, when you're trying to leave home. You crank and crank it but it wont start or if it does start it sputters and runs poorly.

Try this first before shelling out lots of money on a mechanic. All electrical connectors will eventually open up over time so what you do is open the hood and find the computer and the distributor. Then just unplug all the computer connections then plug them back in again. Most of the time it will be enough to fix a bad connection and you'll just drive it off.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blazing California

California is going to fall off into the ocean because of the evil there. That is what I used to hear when I was a kid. But now it doesn't have to because it's burning up.

They're saying now that it could be weeks before some of the fires are under control. The thing is this could have been prevented. If people could or would glean the forests for dead wood to burn in their fireplaces then they would save on their heating bills and their wouldn't be any fuel for these forest fires. Pity.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Penny

You hear a lot of talk these days about getting rid of the penny. Short sighted at the least of course. All though the dollar is money it is based on the decimal system and this makes a lot of cents. You get rid of the penny and it wont make cents anymore.

The reason the penny is in a quandary is because the fed believes that a little inflation is good for an economy. Translated this means that it is acceptable so the fed can print more money than is necessary so this means that a lot of free goodies can also be acquired with no more effort than printing. The draw back is that eventually you're going to have to fork over a $100 bill one of these days just to get a jug of milk. The same kind of thing is currently happening with the yen and lira and some South American banana republic currencies.

The thing is South America has shown us a better solution for this problem. That is government mandated devaluation of everything at the same fixed rate. Let's say for example divide the price of everything in America by 10. A gallon of milk would be about $.40 as would a gallon of gas but this also means that if you make $100,000.00 a year you would end up making only $10,000.00 a year. All the same relatively of course. Then the penny would have value and a decimal based money system would be kept intact. A better solution than scrapping the penny.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Iranian Nuclear Ambitions

The Iranian nuclear standoff continues. They are determined to continue their enrichment program in the face of world opposition and much is being made of their scattered facilities and underground bunkers. Iran is saying that if they are bombed it will only steel their resolve to build a bomb. Politicians who tend to be short when it comes to nuclear education are taking note.

Nuclear technology is a sensitive beast that can only be built under ideal conditions. The claim that they would continue their work under bombing conditions is nonsense. Even the deepest bunkers have access to the surface. You only need to cave in these tunnels and keep them caved in if necessary to stop such operations.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mr. Iran and Nukes

Yesterday I saw an interesting picture of Mymood. He looked calmer and more cool headed than the usual Mymood. The nuclear debate is hot these days and Iran is as defiant as ever. To one who is familiar with the situation the look had the appearance of a dare to the U. S. or Israel to bomb Iran.

I could be wrong. After all Mymood has seen more than enough to convince one who is reasonable that Muslim is wrong and Jesus is right. That is the root but I think I'll leave the details unsaid today.

Interest Rates, Oil and Gold

The Fed has started signaling that we may be headed for higher interest rates. Overheating economy don't you know. Oil is heading way up and people are overheating. So the fed is going to give you higher rates to slow you down some more.

Actually I look at it this way. This is also a sign that the fed is under a lot more strain than they want trying to prop up the dollar in todays gold market. It appears that they have decided to give up some ground. This will provide upward pressure for gold prices.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Iran, Israel and Nukes

Mr. Iran is determined to acquire the nuclear genie. Mymood is rubbing that lamp as hard as he can. He wants to write his own version of the Arabian Nights fable. Fable indeed when it is Muslim. A U.N. official has said that the middle east will turn into a fireball if Israel attacks Iran. What? Before or after Mr. Iran gets his nuclear genie. Sundry Hollywood scripts are passing through my head again.

Israel has just conducted some military exercises meant as an obvious signal to Iran. Perhaps Israel thinks this would be a better solution than a protracted American invasion of Iran. They've done it before and everything worked out ok.

For the record the position of this rag is for the nuclear disarmament of all countries but aggressive governments get special attention.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Money and the Future II

I've written about money and the future before (see blog archive) but their are some other points to be made. Sure technology will improve counterfeiting to the point that money cannot survive but then consider the implications. Like the fact that the capitalist system itself would come to jeopardy. Then lets look deeper. Without money their can be no taxes. This puts current government structures in jeopardy also. This is not a what if. This has already started. This is now.

The Messian Utopian Ecopolitical system is something I intend to write about soon but what it is is an adaptation of man to a money less society. The other solution, the one that will be universal outside the city project, will be much more grim. The objective of "the beast" will be to preserve money at any cost and they will use totalitarian methods to ensure this. This will include restrictions on the availability and development of technology. Capitalism cannot survive technology.

But keep in mind that currently their is no feasible way to counterfeit gold. Gold will be the last money left standing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Iran and Oil Supply

Mr Iran claimed today that the world is awash in oil. I don't disagree with every thing he said but I detect that he has made a political miscalculation. Iran's current troubles do not stem from the supply of oil. It is from fear of a Muslim country like Iran acquiring nuclear power.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Iran is Not So Nuke Today

Mamoud you ----! Do you want to get us bombed!

Clintons Divorce?

Clintons. The masters of spin and polls. Who can say what kind to theatrics we will soon have to endure. They have a destiny. A destiny to rule the beast with an iron hand. This is an instinct stronger than sex to them. They will not fail in the end. But only when it is time.

And what prey tell are the sounds that you would hear from the walls of their seclusion? "How do we get rid of him! HOW DO WE GET RID OF HIM!"

Palestine Violence

You have Palestinians who are Muslim and don't accept Jesus. You have Jews who don't accept Jesus. You have the anger of God. You have the sword of God and violence. You have no surprise. Both sides are antiChrist. You take that and the fact you have to many people trying to live in to small an area then their is no surprise.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Iran: Mymood Blows Gasket. Swears

Mr. Iran wants his nukes. I saw a still photo of Mymood for a video about him. He appeared to be squinting. Vision problems Mymood? The Muslim vision of the future shall not be.

Biblical proverb paraphrased. The king of Judah said to the king of Israel. Come let us see each other face to face. The king of Israel replied. And the thistle said to the oak tree give me your daughter to wife. You have a little power and your head is exalted from a previous victory so why do you meddle to your own hurt?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Iran and Nukes

I saw a report from Fox News today saying that the best way to deal with Iran is cutoff their oil supply. The writer claims they have no real refining capacity and had to import most of their gas. But I remember hearing some place else that they had the largest refinery in the world. Somebody somewhere doesn't know what they are saying. Another factual error in that story is the claim that straight petroleum is useless for energy but the fact is that petroleum can be burned straight.

The best way to deal with the Iranian nuke problem is the Israeli way. A surgical strike then just leave.

Gold News

The Gold markets are seeing increased interest from China, Japan and Iran. Some in the know in China see a price of $2000.00 an ounce. Asian money is the primary driver of todays gold market and if they are willing to pay $2000.00 an ounce then what will keep it from getting there.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

An Act of God

500 year flood levels seen in Iowa. Gay marriage legalized in America amidst unprecedented levels of fornication and adultery and the taking of God's name in vain.

Muslim Menace

It's being reported today that Muslims who are on trial had intended to setup a separate Muslim state within Scotland. The language used in their plans pointed to insurrection. World take note.

Also Mr. Iran is mocking President Bush for not being able to stop Iran's nuke program. He doesn't like the "psychosocial" pressure. I figure that someway someday something will happen.

China Earthquake and Trade Talks

It appears that when an earthquake hits in China that school buildings have a higher rate of collapse than other buildings. Their is angst.

Another interesting point with the America and China trade negotiations. Their is a sticking point in that America wants the Chinese to let their currency float to market conditions. But then America intervenes in the markets to support the dollar. What's the difference. Lost in translation.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

China Is Hacking Again.

It's being reported that China has breached congressional computers again. Real sensitive stuff. Could cost them donations, personal embarrassment and even subpoenas. When it comes to politicians this could even be American national sovereignty. Just remember the phrase "We've got you now."

Don't spread this around but rumor has it that these computers are protected by a porn firewall. Once the hacks got there everything seemed to stall.

North Korea and Iran Explode into the news again

It's being reported today that the UN has really been greasing the skids in North Korea. That mean Mr. Kim of course. It appears that Mr. Kim also likes to stack the deck when it comes to UNDP personel. Of course I'm talking about Mr. Kim's visions of nuclear grandeur and all of that dual use scientific equipment. Admittedly I've seen a lot of disarmament show and tell but then what do I know. I've never been there.

Of course those who watch these things know that being an off the wall political figure can pay handsomely. We all know about Mr. Iran of course. Mymood is afflicted with the same malady as Mr. Kim. Today it's being reported that he's railing at President Bush again and calling him "wicked". Just a few days ago it was reported that Iran was torturing believers in Jesus. When Allah does indeed back someone, that someone does indeed win. It doesn't appear that believers in Mohammad have been winning anything lately. When it comes to the Middle East today he has actually taken no side. It is notable that Iranian conservatives are trying to muzzle Mymood.

Big Oil News

Today it is reported that politicians killed new offshore drilling legislation and crude prices soared. It is also being reported that oil supplies dropped more than expected but wait a couple of days. If things happen like they usually do their will be a oil report saying supplies rose.

I'm hearing talk of windfall profit taxes on big oil. Makes more sense than fuel taxes on struggling consumers. It has always been the policy of this rag to base taxes on the ability to pay them. Plenty of poor people consume and can't afford to pay taxes.

You hear a lot of talk about how no new refineries can be built in America. Let's examine some possible solutions. How about reformulating fuel types in a way they need less refining? How about re-examining turbine engine cars because they can burn straight petroleum without refining. You know it might make more economic and process efficiency sense to just burn oil straight to generate electricity to power electric cars.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Iran Stands Alone

President Bush is aligning a group of countries in Europe so to bring more isolation on Iran because of its nuclear program. Although Iran claims it's all peaceful it is easy to see what their true intentions are because they are already using it as propaganda for political reasons even though it is widely believed that they don't have a nuclear bomb yet. Discussions are being planned and it is curious that Mr. Iran himself, Mymood is expected to be absent. He has popularity problems with some of the rest of Iran's leadership.

Gold Points Worthy of Note

The Fed chairman seems to be troubled about gold and the dollar again. He seems to be signaling that he'll intervene although in another report President Bush says he doesn't support intervention. It has always been the position of this rag that a high gold price is in the best interest of America if it is used to pay off the national debt. But the fed wants to keep hammering the price down. Let's just see how long they can keep throwing money into this black hole before they start crying uncle.

Now It's Tomatoes

Now we're going to have to pay more for tomatoes. Why? Because peoples tastes are going towards more raw food. Their is a salmonella outbreak again. Not a problem if you cook your food good.

In case you city folks don't know vegetables and other foods are grown in fields out in the open. Flies and other bugs crawl all over it. Birds come to get the bugs and they relieve themselves all over it. And varmits and other critters root around all in it. If you eat it raw you take the risk. If you don't want the risk then cook it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Money and the Future

A financial storm is coming. Counterfeiting is growing at unprecedented rates. Identity theft is growing at explosive rates. Financial institutions regularly write off huge losses because of this. Law enforcement is overwhelmed. Unless big money is involved they wont even try.

As technology advances this situation will only get worse. Money cannot survive technology. However the last money that will be left standing will be Gold. The price of energy may plateau soon but gold is worth more than it is trading for today.

Opec and Oil Supply

A new OPEC meeting appears to be scheduled. It is being reported that Saudi Arabia has the capacity to pump about 2 million more barrels a day than it is. So far they have not done so.

I found nothing new from Mr. Iran today. It appears that he is reconnoitering and strategizing today.

Did you know that in order for America to comply with disarmament treaties they are destroying vast quantities of energy. Plutonium cores from dismantled nukes are being ground up and cast into concrete. Japan uses plutonium to generate their electricity.

Washington Polls Decline

Presidential and congressional polls appear to be heading south again. I wonder how much of that is because eliminating fuel taxes appears to be dead on arrival. Eliminating catalytic converters from vehicles could save consumers millions. Any legislation on this also appears to be d.o.a.

Eliminating fuel taxes is important here and Obama has really stepped in it on this issue. It has always been the position of this rag that taxes should always be based on one's ability to pay them. Taxes should always be based on income. Their is no such thing as capitalist, communist nor socialist taxes. The issue with taxes is are they fair or not.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

China and Trade.

The U. S. and China are in trade talks these days. Their is a sticking point. China fixes the value of their currency and will not let it float to market forces like the U. S. desires.

Opec, Oil Supply and Mr. Iran.

Oil prices are breaking new highs. Lots of pundits have their answers. An OPEC official concedes a shortage exists but sees no reason to increase output. I could probably come up with some reasons for the price to come down, none of which have anything to do with a so called price bubble, but with America's pro homosexual agenda I just can't make myself say anything.

Mr. Iran says that he thinks oil prices will go to $150 bbl. Even in print I can detect a tone that Mymood's on a jihad. I think I misspelled his name again but heh. Arabic script translated into English characters is imprecise. In that case you use a nickname. It's the English way.

Cow Farts. Science Seeks Cure.

Really. Intestinal gas results from chemical reactions that are necessary to support biological functions. Altering this complex process can result is severe consequences in the food chain. Leave it alone.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mr. Iran Rocks Japan

You all know the man who is the face of Iran. I never can seem to remember how to spell his name but it rhymes with Mymood Imonajihad. He gave a speech in Japan about how America will cease to exist. The Japanese are a polite host so they would listen attentively and nod occasionally even though they can't understand a word he's saying. Neither can I. I'm a pundit today.

But Mymood. You couldn't ask for a better for a Hollywood script. However I must say I cannot fault him for his beliefs on homosexuality. Don't think I would go so far as to say torture them but maybe I should rather say don't go so far as to kill them because God says he'll torture them forever in hell so I think I stop at that before I start rambling.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hillary and Jordan Today

It looks like its over for the Clintons but they are the Clintons. Media savvy. Experts in spin. I agree with Carter that it would be a mistake for Obama to choose her for a running mate. The political and economic fallout from the rest of the world could be devastating for America. It is being reported today that she is unusually silent. Typical for someone burning in anger. Becoming lord rulers of America is like an instinct within them. They will not go away.

Today is the day that Jordan loses whatever respect it may have had in the civilized community. They want the Danish cartoonists, Mohammad and his bomb turban, arrested and tried for blasphemy, Their is only one prophet worthy of protecting and he is Jesus.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


It was reported yesterday that Obama's ex-church just received a $15 million government grant. This has the look of a scandalous payoff for a preachers attacks on his campaign.

Helloooo out there. Does anyone remember the get rid of the fuel tax debate. It created a lot of talk and interest but it seems to have evaporated in the tank. Chalk up another for Washington efficiency.

Monday, June 2, 2008

China, North Korea, Iran and Missiles

China and the U. S. seem to be negotiating a missile treaty these days. A sticking point is that China and some other countries think that a anti-missile defense system deployed by the U. S. is "aggressive". For the record MCPC rejects this claim completely. Pure defense capability cannot be used to harm others. It is offense capability that should be subject to treaty's. MCPC considers defense capability a non negotiable issue. A question from MCPC on this is how much of the issue does this involve spy satellites? A sticking issue with MCPC on this issue is when Bill Clinton becomes president again I would rather America had no military capability for the safety of us all.

North Korea has been in the news some these days. They seem to be complying with nuclear dismantle requirements imposed on them but it bears watching.

However Iran shows no sign of complying with nuclear dismantle requirements. They claim their research is for peaceful purposes, they test high explosive nuclear weapon detonators, and they have no problem lying to those they call infidels. Did you see the recent stern face picture of the president of Iran? I can't remember how to spell his name so I'll do it phonetically. Mymood Imonajihad. When a leader of a country makes a picture like that it is a political signal. This also bears watching.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Obama And His Preacher

Obama has a preacher. You remember his name. Glad you do because I forgot. He stirred up quite a controversy because of his anti-American rhetoric. One thing he said has captured my attention. He said America invented AIDS so as to destroy the black man. Let's look at something shall we.

Since the days that man has discovered that germs make you sick and that they can kill, they have used quarantines to protect healthy people from deadly plagues. But for some reason when AIDS came along all of that time tested reasoning was tossed aside and by the Reagan administration at that. Back in the 1980's the problem was small enough it was probably manageable but today it is large enough it probably isn't.

Here's a hypothetical. Herby Pervy, who has AIDS, wants to get hooked up tonight. Which of these two lines do you think you'll most likely hear him say. "Yes. I have AIDS. Let's get hooked up." or "No I don't have AIDS. Let's get hooked up." People get away with murder every day don't they.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hillary, bees and China

Candidate Hillary Clinton. I would like to ask is this campaign really serious? Why should I think so? I hear that the Clintons have a net worth north of $100 million but yet they aren't timely in paying campaign bills. Then she speaks of "loaning" her campaign $6 million, $10 million and so on. Apparently her campaign isn't important enough to use her own money even when the percent of total is negligible. Does she intend to loot the DNC, to get the money back, like the Clintons did in the '90s? If she gets back in the White House again does she intend to bring back the silverware and other furnishings they looted when they left the first time? This is a covetous pair. I wonder if they intend to do the foreign buyers of U.S. debt securities the same way?

Bees. They are disappearing. Agricultural seed companies have invented a new type of hybrid trait. They call it Bt. It is a genetically introduced natural insecticide. It kills insects. Bees are insects. First clue. Now what does it do to us the main consumers?

China. What has my attention today is a pharmaceutical called Heporin I think. It may be misspelled because I heard this on the radio and have never seen it's actual spelling. It is manufactured in and imported from China. People are becoming gravely ill. An unnamed source made the accusation against China that the contamination was intentional but it was not proven.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos

It is true to form and is this beast set to get out of hand. First let's consider the democratic candidate time line. First it is Hillary then Obama takes the lead. Then Rush begins "Operation Chaos" which resuscitates her campaign. The way it stands now is Obama has the delegates but Hillary has the popular vote and a mandate of chaos.

When you have a political system that allows party crossovers to sabotage the other side, and both sides are guilty here, you'll end up with the lowest possible denominators for candidates. That is clearly happening in this election. The way it stands now Hillary has the votes and her political future is assured thanks to operation chaos. She would have been gone had it not been for operation chaos and Rush himself admitted he thought so over the air on April 3, 2008 I believe.

I'll end this with the accusation against Rush Limbaugh that Hillary for president was his intention from the start. He looks at Obama and sees a black man who is far to liberal. He looks at McCain and sees McCain/Finegold a personal business threat. Then he looks at Hillary and sees a Clinton who has been in the White House before and did he make a lot of Money! But he has to protect his image so he dupes the mind numbed robots, his listeners, into operation chaos. It says something for democracy when your voting for something you don't want.